Your gender expression shouldn’t be tied to your wallet. Our free clothing closet contains a variety of clothes in a wide range of sizes and styles, from loungewear to cocktail attire. We also have a selection of tucking and binding gear available to help you feel as fabulous as we know you are.
Looking to donate? Click here for our donation guidelines and wishlist.
Our small but dedicated library is a community resource on LGBTQ+ theory and history, as well as a place to discover new authors in fiction, poetry, and memoir. We have a variety of books spanning across genres and popularity, from children’s books about Harvey Milk to locally written queer romance.
Looking to donate a book? Click here for our donation guidelines and wishlist.
We have a dedicated selection of free menstrual, hygiene, and personal grooming items, so you can feel and look your best no matter your gender presentation or financial situation.
We also carry internal and external condoms, personal lubricant, dental dams, and other safer sex tools to help you be safe while having fun.
Have a drink on us—we offer free coffee, tea, and other light snacks in our common area. Need something to take home? We have a small pantry of shelf-stable foods, as well as a new communal fridge periodically stocked with ready-to-eat items donated by our local community partners.
Interested in donating food? Click here.
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