About us

our Mission

The Friendly City Safe Space is a community for LGBTQ+ people and aspiring allies of all ages, racial and ethnic identities in Harrisonburg and surrounding counties that will empower them with the resources, education, and community necessary to thrive as equal, healthy, supported, essential members of our society.

our Vision

A community where all LGBTQ+ people thrive.

Our guiding principles

  • Brave space

    We advocate for our Space not only to be safe, but to be a Brave Space, to live and know yourself without fear, in a space that de-centers privileged identity.

  • Resilience

    Resilient minds, bodies and spirits. We acknowledge that humans are more than just our minds, and that our bodies and spirits hold deep knowing, and resilience as LGBTQ+ people.

  • Liberation

    Liberation from binaries and systems of oppression, power and dominance. We name that liberation for LGBTQ+ folks is not possible without liberation for all marginalized people.

  • Sustainability

    Sustainability for our environment, programs and community. We name that the systems that oppress LGBTQ+ people also oppress our environment.

  • Self-care

    Mindful and centered self-care while caring for each other. The work of liberation starts in the self, and in mindful practice and self-care.

  • Trauma-Informed

    We endeavor to be informed by trauma-awareness in all that we do. We work to be aware of our own trauma and the trauma of our community.

  • Restorative justice

    We believe in a system of restorative and transformative justice that works towards accountability and healing rather than punishment.

  • Continual learning

    We want to continually learn and grow as an organization and community, and are always open to feedback that encourages this growth.