Artists & entrepreneurs

telehealth practioners

freelancers & Consultants

work from home employees

bodywork specialists

 What we’re offering:

  • Each space comes furnished with an adjustable-height desk, office chair, and the option for other premium amenities. Our counseling co-op office comes additionally furnished with a carpet, two armchairs, low-intensity lighting, and a white noise machine to create a welcoming and private environment for clients.

  • Across the street from the Farmer’s Market and within walking distance to downtown, each space is locked and is accessible both during and outside of FCSS’ regular open hours. A mini conference room can be booked for an additional fee for your co-working needs.

  • Support a good cause and reach a wider audience--all subtenant fees go directly to helping FCSS provide resources and programming to the LGBTQ+ community in Harrisonburg and the surrounding county areas. Subtenants also have priority on partnership opportunities.

  • Three office options are available, ranging from $450 - $550/month. Wifi, break area, and utilities included in the base price. Upgrade options include: a second desk, printer access, whiteboard, mini-fridge, microwave, small conference table, and decorative plants.

celebrate pride month with FCSS and help us keep the rainbow lights on

pride 2024

friendly city safe space is celebrating pride both in and around harrisonburg! come find us throughout the month of june at various local events and help us raise funds as we prepare to fully take over our lease for the second half of the year.

march 1, 2024 - an important update from fcss

Dear FCSS community, 

As many of you are aware, the past few months have been a period of transition for the Friendly City Safe Space. At the end of 2023, our founder Hyacinth Bellerose stepped down from her role as director of the Friendly City Safe Space to focus on her personal well-being and professional development; RISE, with whom we have shared the physical space with since our founding, have also decided to transition out of the lease in the coming year. As we approach our third year of operations, FCSS is also undergoing changes in other areas as well, including overhauling our volunteer system, expanding our programming, and focusing on community outreach and partnerships. 

In order for us to succeed as an organization during this time of growth and restructuring, we on the FCSS Leadership Team, along with the executive director of the Shenandoah LGBTQ Center (our parent organization), have decided it is critical to have a dedicated person to navigate the transition from a nascent organization to an established community resource center, and have unanimously voted in Peregrin Sanchez as director of the Friendly City Safe Space until December 31st, 2024. During this period, he will work closely with both the Leadership Team and Shenandoah LGBTQ Center to focus on making sure that this coming year goes as smoothly as possible, while still focusing on the long-term strategy and growth of the organization. You can find his letter of introduction below. 

Starting later this year, FCSS will open the director position for our first three-year term, which will start in January 2025. The Leadership Team will send out an official announcement once the application is available on our website, and we welcome all interested candidates to apply. In our commitment to full transparency and equality, we also feel it is important to note that since a current director is eligible to reapply for an additional consecutive term, they are by default excluded completely from the selection process. 

We greatly look forward to the coming months and all the positive changes it will bring, and we thank you all again for your continued support. If you would like to reach out to us for any reason, you can email us at, or contact our Executive Director AnhThu Nguyen at


The FCSS Leadership Team


After having been involved with Friendly City Safe Space for a year and a half–first as a volunteer, and then as part of its Leadership Team–I am honored to be officially stepping into the role of director for 2024 as FCSS embarks on an exciting year of new changes. Born and raised in San Francisco, I learned about the LGBTQ+ community from an early age; and yet even in the birthplace of our flag, in a place so steeped in our history that it is literally embedded in the sidewalks and embossed on the street signs, I did not even realize my own queerness until I was in my late twenties. My journey of self-discovery as a second-generation Latino and gay trans man has made me intimately familiar with the intersectionality of race, religion, and culture in the context of gender and sexuality, and the unique challenges that this can present particularly within religious and immigrant communities. 

When I first moved out to the Valley four years ago, I quickly realized that my journey was by no means unique, and through my interactions with others at FCSS, I quickly felt at home in the multifaceted and vibrant city of Harrisonburg. Over the past four years, I have also begun to embrace the Appalachian culture that has been a part of my partner’s heritage for generations, and have come to deeply respect the people of the Blue Ridge Mountains, particularly the rural queer folks who are so often quietly forgotten and ignored.    

In this coming year, I hope to lead FCSS into a period of foundational growth by forging connections with the long-standing communities in the area while also welcoming new faces as they make Harrisonburg their new home. We also hope to expand our programming and outreach to focus and support those in the LGBTQ+ community that through their intersectionality–be it race, religion, age, economic status, or disability–have been additionally marginalized. Most importantly, we hope to establish ourselves in Harrisonburg as a legacy organization, one that is not only known by both local and visitors alike, but that also embodies the spirit of the Friendly City and serves as an exemplar of a truly diverse, equal, and equitable Appalachia.  

All the best, 

Peregrin Sanchez

Drop-in Hours

Thursday & friday 4-7 pm
Saturday 9-6 pm

A Community where all lgbtq+ people thrive

The Friendly City Safe Space is a community for LGBTQ+ people and aspiring allies of all ages, racial and ethnic identities in Harrisonburg and surrounding counties that will empower them with the resources, education, and community necessary to thrive as equal, healthy, supported, essential members of our society.



  • Cross the street to the rotunda with the big engine block.

  • Use the stairs or ramp on the right side (next to Rocktown Kitchen and Boboko) and go all the way to the end of the building past the mailboxes.

  • Take the elevator or stairs (the gray door directly to the right of Pale Fire Brewery) up to the second floor.

  • Turn left and go around the corner—we’re the first door to the right!


safe space Events

If you ‘d like to add an event, please fill out the event inquiry form

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